Are you tired all the time? Do you snore loudly? Do you often wake up feeling groggy and unrested? While you might have gotten used to such symptoms, they should never be accepted as normal. You might have a highly treatable sleep disorder, such as sleep apnea. The best way to start feeling like yourself again is to seek help from a qualified sleep doctor. How can you find such a doctor? Here are a few tips:
Talk to Your Primary Care Practitioner
Your PCP might not be a true sleep expert, but they do know how important sleep is. They can listen to you express your concerns and give you advice on your next steps. For example, they could refer you for a sleep test or help you connect with a doctor who specializes in sleep and sleep disorders.
Before you go to your appointment, make some notes about your symptoms and how you are feeling. It would be helpful to have a sleep journal that keeps track of your sleep quality and relevant daily habits over the course of a few weeks.
Look at Your Insurance Policy
Medical insurance usually covers sleep tests and treatment for sleep disorders. However, your plan might have some stipulations that you should be aware of. For example, they might require that you get a referral before you visit a sleep specialist. While insurance guidelines should not be the primary driving force behind your healthcare decisions, you should still know how your plan will affect the financial side of your treatment.
Look in Places You Would Not Expect
A doctor who specializes in sleep disorders is known as a “somnologist.” These practitioners can be physicians or psychologists, and they often play a key role in diagnosing sleep problems. However, they are not the only ones who can offer treatment. Most often you hear of sleep physicians that work within a “pulmonology” practice, which focuses on sleep breathing disorders.
Many people have found effective and long-lasting relief from sleep apnea by visiting a sleep dentist. Many dentists are upper airway experts, and can be qualified to offer custom-made appliances that can reduce or even eliminate sleep apnea symptoms.
Find Out What Others Think
You can find out a lot about a doctor by looking at online reviews. For example, you can gain insight into their bedside manner and the skills of their support staff. It could also be worth your time to ask your friends and family members for their thoughts. Sleep disorders are quite common, so the chances are good that at least a few people in your social circle have had to seek treatment. They might be able to point you toward a trustworthy doctor.
You deserve to sleep well! Use the tips in this blog post to find a doctor who can get you on the path to better rest.
Meet the Practice
As someone who was diagnosed with sleep apnea in 2009, Dr. Mitch Conditt is all too familiar with the effects that sleep disorders can have. That is why he focuses his practice on helping people find relief via conservative oral appliance therapy. If you have been struggling to feel well-rested, he and our team would be happy to speak with you and offer suggestions on your next steps. Contact Fort Worth Snoring & Sleep Center at 817-527-8500.