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3 Simple (But Not Easy) Ways to Treat Sleep Apnea at Home

July 24, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — sleepsnoringtmj @ 12:39 pm
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Anyone with sleep apnea will tell you that it doesn’t just make your mornings harder…it weighs down your entire life with exhaustion. While professional treatment that is both effective and non-invasive is available, some people of course want to try to do what they can on their own first.

Thankfully, research has revealed that there are three simple (but not easy) steps you can take that can significantly reduce your sleep apnea symptoms (just not overnight).

Maintain a Healthy Weight

The leading preventable cause of sleep apnea is obesity, which if you’ve watched the news within the last decade, is becoming much more prominent each passing year in the United States.

Excess tissue on the throat and chest can place pressure on the airway which makes it more likely to become obstructed throughout the night, so getting rid of that tissue through weight loss can be a game-changer for many people.

Stop Smoking

While the dangers of smoking when it comes to your lungs and cancer are well documented, what isn’t talked about as much is how it can negatively affect sleep.

In short, when a person smokes, this causes irritation and inflammation in the airway as well as an increase in mucus. All of this together makes sleep apnea and blockages much more likely.

Change Sleep Position

The most common form of sleep apnea is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This typically occurs because the tongue falls into the back of the throat, or the tissues of the upper airway collapse together, cutting off breathing.

When you sleep on your back, gravity increases the risk of sleep apnea episodes. Studies have shown that switching to your side can alleviate some of this as well as reduce snoring.

An Easier Way

While these methods are proven effective, no one is going to pretend they are easy or fast. The truth is that even if someone is extremely dedicated, it can take a lot of time and willpower to make these kinds of changes…all the while battling sleep apnea.

This is where a sleep dentist can help. By giving someone a custom-made appliance to wear to bed, they can enable them to breathe normally throughout the night and largely curtail sleep apnea. As a result, the patient will have the energy and mindset needed to make these changes. Basically, it allows you to fix the sleep problem relatively quickly so you can work on longer-term solutions that will boost your overall health and wellness for years to come.

So rather than choosing to do things on your own OR get professional treatment, the best approach for many people is to take advantage of both. When it comes to fixing your sleep, it’s best to leave no stone unturned.

About the Author

Under the leadership of Dr. Mitch Conditt, our team proudly provides oral appliance therapy for individuals with obstructive sleep apnea. If you have been struggling to feel well-rested, our team can help you arrange for a sleep test and guide you on your journey toward higher-quality shuteye. To learn more, contact Fort Worth Snoring & Sleep Center or call 817-527-8500 to schedule a consultation.

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