We all have unwanted thoughts from time to time. In many cases, we are able to quickly dismiss such thoughts and move on with our day. Sometimes, though, it is much more difficult to control our thinking. What factors affect whether we can get rid of unwanted thoughts? Research indicates that sleep deprivation in Fort Worth plays a large role.
(more…)Sleep Deprivation Makes It Difficult to Suppress Unwanted Thoughts
April 18, 2022
Is Sleep Apnea Causing Your Nightmares?
March 30, 2022
Everyone has a bad dream once in a while. Most people know exactly what it feels like to wake up suddenly with a rapid heartbeat and disturbing images lingering in their mind. Unfortunately, some groups are more prone to suffer from nightmares than others, including individuals with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Let’s talk about why sleep apnea nightmares in Fort Worth happen and what you may be able to do to start enjoying better dreams and more restful shuteye.
(more…)Can Sleep Apnea Cause Blindness?
March 13, 2022
Millions of people in the U.S. suffer from blindness or severe vision impairment. For some of them, cataracts or accidents led to their disability. For others, though, diabetic retinopathy is the root cause of their problem. Of course, individuals with diabetes can lower their risk of retinopathy by doing their best to manage their condition. But there is another thing they can do — get high-quality sleep. Let’s talk about research that links sleep apnea in Fort Worth to eye problems and what you can do to protect your vision.
(more…)Secondhand Smoke May Increase the Risk of Sleep Apnea in Children
February 28, 2022
Secondhand smoke is a dangerous mixture that consists of more than 7,000 chemicals, hundreds of which are known to be toxic — 70 of them are even carcinogenic. Clearly, if you smoke, you should do everything in your power to protect your loved ones from secondhand exposure. It is particularly vital to protect children. This blog post is going to discuss just one risk that secondhand smoke presents to young ones — sleep apnea.
(more…)The Troubling Connection Between Anxiety and Sleep Apnea
February 15, 2022
Throughout recent years, both casual observations by medical professionals and formal research have found a connection between anxiety and sleep problems. In fact, one study found that anxiety is present in roughly half of people with sleep apnea. Is it just a coincidence that these do conditions are often found in the same people, or is there some sort of cause-and-effect relationship between anxiety and sleep apnea in Fort Worth? Let’s talk about this important topic.
(more…)Sleep Apnea Is on the Rise — Why?
January 20, 2022
A few decades ago, sleep apnea received little attention. Perhaps many people were not aware of what it is or why it is so dangerous. That has changed. Data indicates that in recent years, the number of people starting treatment for sleep apnea has significantly increased. Greater availability of education about the disorder may be part of the reason for the uptick in diagnoses, but there may be more to the story. Let’s talk about some common risk factors for sleep apnea and how you can keep your risk as low as possible.
(more…)Was Your CPAP Recalled? Try an Oral Appliance!
January 7, 2022
A recent recall of CPAP machines from Philips Respironics affected millions of patients. Were you among them? If so, it’s understandable if you are thinking about other ways in which you may be able to address your sleep apnea. The good news is that you may be a candidate for oral appliance therapy from a sleep dentist. What is an oral appliance, and what advantages does one offer? Let’s answer those important questions.
(more…)Have Sleep Apnea? Avoid These 4 Foods
December 28, 2021
If you suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, you are probably already taking steps to manage your condition. You might use a custom oral appliance, sleep on your side, and be diligent about keeping allergens in your home to a minimum. However, there is even more you can do. Let’s talk about some foods that have the potential to worsen your symptoms. Cutting back on them might just help you sleep better!
(more…)Sleep Apnea and Sleeping Pills: What You Should Know
December 15, 2021
Do you struggle to fall asleep at night? Many people with sleep apnea do. To help them drift off, they may occasionally (or regularly) use sleeping pills. Such pills can relax your mind and spare you from tossing and turning in bed for hours before you finally get some shuteye. They might seem like an ideal way to help your body get the rest it needs. But are they? Well… no, they are not, especially if you have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Let’s talk about why individuals with OSA should stay away from sleeping pills.
(more…)The Pros and Cons of Sleeping with Your Pet
November 25, 2021
More than one-third of the homes in the U.S. have a dog, while about one-fourth have a cat, according to a survey by the American Veterinary Medical Association. Indeed, our culture places a high value on our furry friends. Some people even spoil their pets by allowing them into their bedroom — many even share a bed with their dog or cat. If that’s true of you, you might wonder how this arrangement is affecting the quality of your sleep. Do pets and sleep apnea have a positive or negative relationship? Let’s talk about these important topics.